This five-factor inventory is designed to help families and advisors better understand the sustainability issues of older adults who are aging in place.
Each factor of the inventory is assessed as either green, orange or red based on an estimation of its current sustainability.
Status: Green
Plan: Watchful Waiting
Status: Orange
Plan: Active Transition Planning
Status: Red
Plan: Acute Intervention
The completed Aging In Place Inventory can prove helpful to families and professionals in the following ways:
1. It provides a one page visual representation of the key factors of the aging in place process that are necessary for sustainability.
2. It provides a current “profile” of the collective impact all five factors on the viability and quality of the aging in place situation.
3. It provides the status of each of the factors, which serves as an onramp for conversations about what’s working well, what’s becoming problematic and what steps can be taken to improve the situation.
4. In addition to assessing the immediate situation, it provides the framework for conversations about the long view of aging in place. This includes discussions about the limits of each five factors and what happens when one or more are no longer sustainable.
5. It provides a useful tool for the ongoing task of explaining the aging in place situation to other family members, caregiving professionals and healthcare providers.