Boomer Dilemmas

The Rise Of Dilemmas

The landscape of old age is populated with dilemmas, which represent a new and confusing layer of complexity. Here’s why. We are all raised to be accomplished problem solvers. It is a skill set that focuses on the elimination of…

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The Rejected Power of Attorney

It turns out that the power of attorney you so carefully arranged for an aging parent may be rejected by their bank or brokerage firm because it wasn’t drafted on their form. Of course you find this out when your…

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Boomer Blended Style of Senior Living

It appears boomers are willing to downsize into “blended” senior living communities that include ample amounts of fit as well as less fit residents. This article looks at one builder’s offering of how this might play out… Aging boomers fuel…

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Gray Divorce: It’s Not You, It’s Me…

Why Couples Divorce After Decades of Marriage “If you or someone you know recently divorced after 20 or more years together, you’re not alone. Splitting up later in life, sometimes called “gray divorce,” is on the upswing. In 2010, one…

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Boomers: It’s All How You Get There

“The perception is that the baby boomers are very active — they are, you know, climbing up mountains, and they are a very healthy bunch,” says King, a professor in the department of family medicine at the West Virginia University…

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Never Good Enough

This article is especially useful for unloved daughters in caregiving roles with their aging mothers. It offers compassionate and effective strategies that help unwind the toxic residue of never being good enough… Unloved Daughters: 7 Strategies for Dealing with the…

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No Easy Way Out

In working with our aging parents, we encounter predictable dilemmas with no easy way out. Here is a personal story that echoes a common theme I hear about from adult children. As my mother approached 90 and despite increasing frailty…

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Transition Assets: The Boomers Arriving At 70

“We neither get better or worse as we get older, but more like ourselves” ……Robert Anthony Beginning in 2016, the boomers will be landing on the shore of seventy something. While turning 70 is still officially classified as “young-old,” there…

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Longevity Capital

By David Solie, MS, PA This is the age of longevity with a Tsunami of old flooding the social landscape. Initial curiosity by younger generations has quickly given way to alarm. The olds are coming they warn. Their burden will…

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