Alzheimer’s Disease & Dementia

Art Therapy and Alzheimer’s Disease

Yes, there is loss, painful, progressive loss. But what remains in Alzheimer’s disease? That is the critical question that this blog post explores. In this case, art turns out to be the residual miracle… An Unexpected Legacy: Art Therapy Breakthroughs…

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Are We More Than Our Memories?

This fascinating article from Scientific American reveals new research that argues “morals, not memories, define who we are.” The study has implications for patients with Alzheimer’s and other disorders… Morals, Not Memories, Define Who We Are…

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Memory’s Departure

Try as we might, memory is built like a cat, seeming tamed and committed only to turn and be inexplicability gone, maybe for good. Billy Collins’ brilliant poem “Forgetfulness” gives metaphoric voice to this unraveling that ties us in cerebral…

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Caregivers of Spouses with Dementia

The Psychological and Health Consequences of Caring for a Spouse With Dementia: A Critical Comparison of Husbands and Wives This study compares outcomes, based on gender, of caregivers of at home spouses with dementia. It also looks at how the…

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Alzheimer’s Disease: Mitigating Memory Loss

This is not a new topic in the pursuit of ways to reduce memory loss in Alzheimer patients, but one that remains enticing and begs further investigation. Intranasal Insulin Could Treat Alzheimer’s Related Memory Loss Neuroscience News “Researchers have made…

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Brain Aging

“Cure when possible…Comfort always” Hippocrates I just finished a new book by Dr. Peter Whitehouse entitled The Myth of Alzheimer’s Disease: What You Aren’t Being Told About Today’s Most Dreaded Dreaded Diagnosis. While the title has a sensationalist ring to…

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