Driving Dilemmas

Evidence-Based Inquiry Into Driving Skills

At some point, driving gets away from our aging parents.  It’s an insidious process that lulls older adults into a false sense of security that their driving skills are still adequate.   Adult children see a different picture of “unsafe driving”…

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New Booklet: No Longer Safe To Drive

At some point it becomes painfully obvious. Maybe it’s the near misses, another fender bender, traffic tickets, getting lost on errands, poor night vision, or increasing confusion. Whatever the mix of warning signs, the message is clear and deeply concerning.…

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Aging Parents Dance Cards

Introducing “Aging Parents Dance Cards,” which were created for adult children of aging parents. The photos below are from the front and back side of one of the cards in the twenty-card set entitled “Reset Expectations.” Each card offers a…

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The Rise Of Dilemmas

The landscape of old age is populated with dilemmas, which represent a new and confusing layer of complexity. Here’s why. We are all raised to be accomplished problem solvers. It is a skill set that focuses on the elimination of…

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Problems Versus Dilemmas Of Aging Parents

Although demanding and stressful, the problems of aging can be contained or eliminated. Lost prescriptions can be refilled. Unsafe staircases can be modified. Transportation for an unscheduled medical testing can be arranged. Solving problems means eliminating uncertainty and most caregivers…

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Before Something Happens

The car looms large in our aging parent’s lives but at some point it’s too much. The “No Longer Safe To Drive” mind map helps adult children figure out the tipping point of when to intervene as well as provides…

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