End of Life Dilemmas

New PDF Booklet: Conversations Near The End

“We wish it didn’t come to this, but it does.  Someone you care about is at the end of their life.  No one knows exactly when but everyone is clear about what’s happening.  Now comes the hard part, the conversations…

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If I Die First…

Aging parents face an uneven future in which one will be left behind. FD Reeves’ poem “Home in Wartime” contains two elegant and inspiring stanzas of instructions for both possibilities… From “Home in Wartime” By FD Reeves If I die…

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And Take My Waking Slow….

  The Waking Theodore Roethke (1954) I Wake to sleep, and take my waking slow. I feel my fate in what I cannot fear. I learn by going where I have to go. We think by feeling. What is there…

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Functional Ability is Destiny at the End

This important article by Dr. Dhruv Khullar in the New York Times offers new insights from data mining about a critical tipping point for older adults who drift beyond having chronic illnesses to also developing functional ability deficits.  This lethal…

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