We, as a family, totally protect Mom’s right to choose. We have had to get to know her patterns well to be able to encourage her to make the healthy choice. For instance, cancelling morning appointments due to anxiety, light headedness, nausea, etc. We know that Mom always feels better after moving forward with the appointment and we have explored the idea of afternoon appointments but this is too confusing for her.
An excellent point…what are the preferred patterns of an aging parents?..what happens when they have to be modified?…Nothing we do can avert the complexity and uncertainty of aging but collectively preserving choice deepens resilience for both generations and provides comfort to aging parents for things we can’t change but must endure….
We, as a family, totally protect Mom’s right to choose. We have had to get to know her patterns well to be able to encourage her to make the healthy choice. For instance, cancelling morning appointments due to anxiety, light headedness, nausea, etc. We know that Mom always feels better after moving forward with the appointment and we have explored the idea of afternoon appointments but this is too confusing for her.
An excellent point…what are the preferred patterns of an aging parents?..what happens when they have to be modified?…Nothing we do can avert the complexity and uncertainty of aging but collectively preserving choice deepens resilience for both generations and provides comfort to aging parents for things we can’t change but must endure….