This is my second deck of 10 front-folded note cards with envelopes. The deck is entitled Reason To Hope. These new paintings honor nature’s transformative beauty despite the dire predictions of a dark future. Granted, the long odds against turning the tide of the impending ecological disaster are slim, but I still retain an illogical hope there’s a miracle looming yet to arrive.
Like the first deck of notecards I published in 2018, my second deck features ten different paintings shown below in a “responsive image gallery“ where the thumbnail images enlarg when the your mouse is hovering and opens a scrolling viewer to examine all ten paintings.
Below are the 10 paintings from my first set of notecards, which is entitled The Last Time. I selected works that had the piercing beauty of the earth’s biosphere intermixed with its horrific deterioration to portray “last time” moments that were beginning to feel all too real. This collection is also a “responsive image gallery where hovering over the image offers enlargement and scrolling options.
Here us the link to the order page below from my art website where can purchase both sets:
Thank you,