Aging in place

Solo Spousal Care

Solo caregiving takes a toll on both parties.  What starts out as an act of compassion and loyalty can deteriorate into a role that exceeds the best efforts of one person. Reframing the situation from a new vantage point helps…

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Aging In Place Inventory

This five-factor inventory is designed to help families and advisors better understand the sustainability issues of older adults who are aging in place. Each factor of the inventory is assessed as either green, orange or red based on an estimation…

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Moving In…

When an aging parent moves in, no one can predict how it will work out.  What looks good in the beginning can come  undone in sudden and distressing ways. Adult children need to frame moving in as “one step” in…

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How To Talk To Aging Parents About Where To Live

I was recently interviewed for an article entitled “Conversation vs. Confrontation: Guidelines for Effective Communication with Your Aging Parents.” In it I discuss how often the insistence by older adults to “stay put” in their home despite deteriorating circumstances prevents…

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Should Older Adults Live With Their Peers?

Environmental gerontologist and social geographer Stephen M Golant, University of Florida has written a brilliant article on where older adults are living now and why they may opt to live with their cohort in the future: “My focus is on…

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The Pedigree Road Map™

“A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.” Jean de La Fontaine The inclusion of genetics into a life management strategy may appear at first to be mistake. Life management implies choices and genetics…

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So what’s in the world come over you…

The title of this blog is taken from John Prine’s song “Speed of the Sound of Loneliness,” which seems apropos for an article on the profound impact of loneliness on the health of aging parents. Here’s the first punch line:…

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No Place Like Home for Aging Parents? Maybe, Maybe Not (Follow Up)

Leslie Peters was my guest on a recent blogtalk radio show I host ( I asked her to provide me with a “list” of questions that would help aging parents and their adult children screen potential senior living accommodations. She…

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