Aging Parents Dance Cards

Home Rules: We’re Not Going Anywhere

Older adults see where they live as the Alamo and will make their last stand defending it. We advance with logic, manipulations, and threats, and they use any means at their disposal to repel us. Here’s why. 1. The place…

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Uninformed About The Agenda

You can You can assume that older adults have essentially the same needs and priorities as the rest of the adult population but in doing so, you will miss a never to be repeated opportunity to facilitate their final growth…

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Perfect Gift for Caregivers of Aging Parents

Below is the complete set, all 20 cards of the Aging Parents Dance Cards deck. Together, they offer bite-sized portions of David Solie’s philosophy, insights, reframing strategies and work arounds that all help to reduce the complexity and uncertainty of…

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Wisdom Cards

Aging Parents Dance Cards are a deck of the 20 cards designed for anyone involved in the care of an older adult. Each card is an aphorism I created on a topic, issue, or situation common to the caregiving experience.…

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Aging Parents Dance Cards 17-20

Below are the titles and graphics for Aging Parents Dance Cards 17-20. Whether heading to their home, the hospital or the telephone, Aging Parents Dance Cards offer adult children access to good caregiving ideas when they’re needed most. Sets of…

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Aging Parents Dance Cards

Introducing “Aging Parents Dance Cards,” which were created for adult children of aging parents. The photos below are from the front and back side of one of the cards in the twenty-card set entitled “Reset Expectations.” Each card offers a…

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