caregiver stress

Life Metaphor

This new painting, entitled Life Metaphor, depicts the polyphasic downpour of light and darkness on all our lives, a carpet bombing of lessons aimed at our spiritual growth whether we’re paying attention or not……

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Right Sizing My Encore Career

I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions…….Stephen Covey After 30 years of public speaking, I am leaving the main stage and focusing my encore career on working with small study groups.  I…

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Veiller Sur Mes Parents

Veiller Sur Mes Parents (Watch Over My Parents) is an innovative program in France that uses mail carriers to keep an eye on older adults as well as providing friendship to those who live alone.  Here’s how they do it:…

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Emotional Rain

Emotional Rain Legacies of kind, courageous and unadvertised lives with their steady flow of compassion for this world are the emotional rain we all need to weather life’s brutal droughts.  We may never know the source of this remarkable kindness…

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Middle Age + Caregiving: Three Mind Maps

Middle age is daunting for everyone, especially caregivers.  There are so many moving and complicated parts that can quickly overwhelm the best intentions or the most efficient management skills.  One of the biggest mistakes I see middle age caregivers make…

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