
Magical Thinking

Feeling overwhelmed, aging parents may turn to magical thinking to solve problems.  Like denial, it allows them a way to defer the complexity and burden of a problem. Opting to continue unsafe driving, ignoring financial limitations or rejecting help with…

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Season’s Song

(First Light) Season’s Song By David Solie Here or gone, the gravity  Of holiday memories Brings us face to face With love’s blunt Truth: our “moment”  With our parents Has passed, gone Forever along with  Our childhood and It’s frantic…

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Right Sizing My Encore Career

I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions…….Stephen Covey After 30 years of public speaking, I am leaving the main stage and focusing my encore career on working with small study groups.  I…

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Veiller Sur Mes Parents

Veiller Sur Mes Parents (Watch Over My Parents) is an innovative program in France that uses mail carriers to keep an eye on older adults as well as providing friendship to those who live alone.  Here’s how they do it:…

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The One Thing We Possess Equally

According to the teachers, there is only one thing that all people possess equally. This is their loneliness.   —Hyemeyohsts Storm The age wave brings with it red flag warnings about the increased threat of loneliness for older adults.  Technology cannot…

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Clinical Frailty Scale and Timed Up & Go

  TUG and CFA are two important tools that help clinicians and laypersons alike assess frailty in older adults.  Frailty status impacts the type and degree of healthcare, support services and living accommodations,   Below are links to each assessment tool…

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