Caring for aging parents

Uninformed About The Agenda

You can You can assume that older adults have essentially the same needs and priorities as the rest of the adult population but in doing so, you will miss a never to be repeated opportunity to facilitate their final growth…

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If I Die First…

Aging parents face an uneven future in which one will be left behind. FD Reeves’ poem “Home in Wartime” contains two elegant and inspiring stanzas of instructions for both possibilities… From “Home in Wartime” By FD Reeves If I die…

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Disclosure for Adult Children

I receive a steady flow of inquires from adult children about what the future holds for them and their aging parents.  Most of them sense some sort of tipping point is near and with it a turn of events where…

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When Someone Deeply Listens To You

  We are all so busy with the perpetual motion of our obligations and mega to-do lists that the thought of slowing down and deeply listening to someone, anyone, is down right painful.  “I don’t have time for this” we…

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Breathing Underwater

We adult children look at aging and say no thanks, not for me, best to keep a safe distance. But aging is patient, biding its time, confident of its purpose. From seemingly nowhere, our safe distance collapses and a new…

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Aging In Place Inventory

This five-factor inventory is designed to help families and advisors better understand the sustainability issues of older adults who are aging in place. Each factor of the inventory is assessed as either green, orange or red based on an estimation…

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When the Bottom Falls Out

Long term care planning is another “hot spot” for aging parents. Attempts by family members to pressure, warn, or scare an older adults into planning decisions usually fail. That’s why we created the When The Bottom Falls Out Mind Map.…

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