communicating with aging parents

The Older I Get…

  This song by Alan Jackson is an inspiring reminder that the values that make life rich and rewarding play a key role in the last phase of life by reminding all of us what matters most despite losses and…

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And then an aging parent moves in…

When an aging parent moves in, no one can predict how it will work out.  What looks good in the beginning can come undone in sudden and distressing ways. Adult children need to frame moving in as “one step” in…

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The Real Work Of Families…

(As a writer, I always feel I’m best person to title my own articles, blogs and booklets. Of course, that’s just my willfulness not paying attention to better voices who have different take on what I have written.  And so…

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Solo Spousal Care

Solo caregiving takes a toll on both parties.  What starts out as an act of compassion and loyalty can deteriorate into a role that exceeds the best efforts of one person. Reframing the situation from a new vantage point helps…

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The One Thing We Possess Equally

According to the teachers, there is only one thing that all people possess equally. This is their loneliness.   —Hyemeyohsts Storm The age wave brings with it red flag warnings about the increased threat of loneliness for older adults.  Technology cannot…

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