David Solie’s blog

Sibling Rules

It’s a fact of family life: roles are cut in stone.  Stop trying to change a sibling who for the most part resents your audacity to assume you have the right to “fix’ him or her. Accurately assess what a…

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Solo Spousal Care

Solo caregiving takes a toll on both parties.  What starts out as an act of compassion and loyalty can deteriorate into a role that exceeds the best efforts of one person. Reframing the situation from a new vantage point helps…

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Life Metaphor

This new painting, entitled Life Metaphor, depicts the polyphasic downpour of light and darkness on all our lives, a carpet bombing of lessons aimed at our spiritual growth whether we’re paying attention or not……

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Magical Thinking

Feeling overwhelmed, aging parents may turn to magical thinking to solve problems.  Like denial, it allows them a way to defer the complexity and burden of a problem. Opting to continue unsafe driving, ignoring financial limitations or rejecting help with…

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Season’s Song

(First Light) Season’s Song By David Solie Here or gone, the gravity  Of holiday memories Brings us face to face With love’s blunt Truth: our “moment”  With our parents Has passed, gone Forever along with  Our childhood and It’s frantic…

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Right Sizing My Encore Career

I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions…….Stephen Covey After 30 years of public speaking, I am leaving the main stage and focusing my encore career on working with small study groups.  I…

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