
Higher Levels of Depression in Married Caregivers

“We also found that caregivers who are married and caring for a family member with a diagnosis other than cancer, such as Alzheimer’s disease, had higher levels of depression,” says Debra Parker-Oliver, professor of family and community medicine at the…

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The impact of unforgiveness on older adults

Families are a battle ground where the wounds of conflict can be carried for a life time. While at some point forgiveness seems in order, its withholding is an all too common theme in the exhausting contest to prove who’s…

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Predicting The Boomer Future…

The best way to predict the future is to invent it. Alan Kay It’s 2026. The future is here, 14 year later. We are taking a sneak peak into the lives of two baby boomer couples that are now well…

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The Right Words…

We are always searching for the right words when a death occurs. We mean well but our attempts to comfort may painfully produce the opposite result. This blog post by Carole Brody is a “refresher course” in how our words…

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So what’s in the world come over you…

The title of this blog is taken from John Prine’s song “Speed of the Sound of Loneliness,” which seems apropos for an article on the profound impact of loneliness on the health of aging parents. Here’s the first punch line:…

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Boomer Community: Aging with the Right People

Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods. Aristotle Stress is an isolator. As its intensity increases, it promotes distrust of others and that distrust leads to greater isolation from the essential social networks…

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Boomer Perspective: Moment of Truth

One sees great things from the valley, only small things from the peak. —Chesterton While aging is inevitable, arriving at a healthy perspective about its meaning and potential is not. In our youth-oriented culture, middle age more often than not…

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Caregiver Stress? Try Inspirational Walking

Caregiver stress is well documented and extracts a heavy toll on both caregivers and their families. In the heat of trying to keep everything together, it is hard for caregivers to find effective strategies that offer some respite from the…

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What I Know Now: Lessons From Looking Back

Last June I was interviewed by Nell Bernstein, Senior Editor at about what “I would have done differently” in caring for my mother based on what I know now. Below is my response: Talking With David Solie June 2008…

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