life review

Last Stories: Adult Children as Legacy Coaches

“People attend, remember, and are transformed by stories… Mary Pipher from Writing to Change the World Stories have a profound impact on our lives. On one level, our identity is the summation of our stories.  When our aging parents enter…

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Last Stories…

Life review is a relational process that mobilizes stories to uncover and identify values, lessons and dreams that become part of legacy. Create safe and inspiring venues for the telling of these stories, settings that facilitate conversations, insights and continuity.…

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Once Young Parents

Worn photographs of once young parents are preludes to well known destinies, historical starting points that stir speculation about what might have been. This is the space that Deborah Cummins has captured in her striking poem “Another Life.” It reminds…

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Dancing with Life Review…

Boomers are feeling their age and the pull of life review. It is poetry at its finest as is Dorianne Laux’s magical poem about our swan song. Dark Charms by Dorianne Laux Eventually the future shows up everywhere: those burly…

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