New Look
I updated my website to give it a clean, uncluttered appearance. I also redesigned it functionality. You will notice right away that the goal is to help viewers quickly locate key blog posts. The same is true for articles, books, and references.
New Mission Statement
You will note there is a clear mission statement on the home page: What Can I Help You With? This means you can find key resources caring about for aging parents by topic.
Key Topic Categories
There are 12 topic buttons on the home page. Each button represents a key caregiving category. Click the button to locate posts, articles, books, CDs, and other resources. Below is a list of the 12 categories:
Caregiver Support
Aging Alone
Declining Health & Frailty
Alzheimer’s Disease & Dementia
Planning Dilemmas
Housing Dilemmas
Driving Dilemmas
End of Life Dilemmas
Caregiver Fatigue
After Their Gone
Caregiver Lessons
Feel Free To Ask
You can go to this page to ask me a question about caring for aging parents “Ask David” page. All questions are answered privately back to the sender.
Feel Free To Request
If there is a topic on caring for aging parents you would like to see in a post, send me a request. I am always interested in exploring new themes and challenges associated with caregiving.