Psychology of Aging Parents

Mind The Gap

Aging parents have a different psychological agenda from their adult children. The agenda of the last phase of life has a laser like focus on preserving control and creating a legacy. It’s all about Lasting and Leaving. Adult children need…

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How to Communicate with Aging Parents about Money

Older adults have a deep resistance to having conversations with their adult children about money. Why? It arises from three psychological factors that coalesce in last phase of life to create resistive barriers to open discussions about financial issues. These…

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Unlocking the Communication Code of Seniors

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place—-George Bernard Shaw Despite the unprecedented opportunity afforded advisors by an aging population, many find themselves unprepared to successfully communicate with seniors. Instead, they wind up frustrated…

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Aging Parents and Money

I was recently asked to write an article as a guest author for the Love & Order website on the ever awkward conversations adult children struggle to have with their aging parents about money issues. I began the article with…

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Amazon Review

5 out of 5 stars By JOHN MORRIS CANTILLON on July 12, 2016 Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase John’s wife reviewing here- I work in an assisted living community, and this is one of the best books I’ve seen for adult children…

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End Of The Line…

We take pains to keep the nursing home at arm’s length, a cultural purgatory that haunts our worst fears about being old. Yet, as Valery Hazanov found out, it is also an instructional landscape about who we are despite our…

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