healthy aging

Boomer Pedal Bike Option: Kinder Mechanics

Older bodies need exercise options. The bikes of youthful riders, thin tired road machines and rugged mountain climbers are a poor fit for bad backs, worn knees and stiff necks. Boomers have come to a point in their lives where…

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It’s about health span, not life span…

This charming six minute video from BBC radio restates the goal of healthy living as “health span” as opposed to “life span.” Preserving quality of life and avoiding financial ruin appear reasons enough for anyone to adopt a moderate lifestyle…

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Predicting The Boomer Future…

The best way to predict the future is to invent it. Alan Kay It’s 2026. The future is here, 14 year later. We are taking a sneak peak into the lives of two baby boomer couples that are now well…

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