end of life issues

One Good Day

In the end, caregivers accept the limits of what they can control while making the best of what remains—a shift in focus to one good day at a time. Honoring the here and now offers a nurturing space for aging…

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Season’s Song

(First Light) Season’s Song By David Solie Here or gone, the gravity  Of holiday memories Brings us face to face With love’s blunt Truth: our “moment”  With our parents Has passed, gone Forever along with  Our childhood and It’s frantic…

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If I Die First…

Aging parents face an uneven future in which one will be left behind. FD Reeves’ poem “Home in Wartime” contains two elegant and inspiring stanzas of instructions for both possibilities… From “Home in Wartime” By FD Reeves If I die…

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This is what love looks like…

This is what love looks like across war, sickness, separation and finally death…none of those afflictions of life on earth were a match for the fierce and profound love these two veterans carried in their hearts and in their actions…talk…

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End of Life Medical Quicksand

We all know someone with a family member who has fallen into end of life medical quicksand and suffered an excruciating outcome. In his article I Know You Love Me–Now Let Me Die Dr. Louis Dr. Profeta, an ER physician,…

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The End of Life Dilemma

The question of how much care at the end of life is a dilemma with no easy answers. Ultimately, it is best approached by understanding the patient’s perspective within the context of his or her family: What does the patient…

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The Art of Holding Space…

Heather Plett’s insightful and moving article on holding space, What is means to “hold space” for people, plus eight tips on how to do it well, is a primer on the dance of compassion for those who are leaving as…

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