aging boomers

Transition Assets: The Boomers Arriving At 70

“We neither get better or worse as we get older, but more like ourselves” ……Robert Anthony Beginning in 2016, the boomers will be landing on the shore of seventy something. While turning 70 is still officially classified as “young-old,” there…

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Do Not Go Gracefully…

Aging is complex and uneven. Not everyone is aging gracefully. Wendi Knox’s inspiring article reminds us that other styles are equally compelling, valid and necessary. To this end she declares: “I intend to age exuberantly. Colorfully. Creatively. Bravely. Boldly. Healthfully.…

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Longevity Capital

By David Solie, MS, PA This is the age of longevity with a Tsunami of old flooding the social landscape. Initial curiosity by younger generations has quickly given way to alarm. The olds are coming they warn. Their burden will…

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The impact of unforgiveness on older adults

Families are a battle ground where the wounds of conflict can be carried for a life time. While at some point forgiveness seems in order, its withholding is an all too common theme in the exhausting contest to prove who’s…

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New Boomer Epidemic: Aging Alone

Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods. …Aristotle As the age wave arrives at the land of old, it carries with it a substantial population of childless and unmarried Boomers characterized as “elder…

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The Developmental Agenda of Middle Age

The primary developmental theme of the middle years is an emerging crisis. Rather than a sudden occurrence, it is an incipient shift in complexity and tone. As such, the middle years usher in a higher state of volatility as a…

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The Pedigree Road Map™

“A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.” Jean de La Fontaine The inclusion of genetics into a life management strategy may appear at first to be mistake. Life management implies choices and genetics…

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So what’s in the world come over you…

The title of this blog is taken from John Prine’s song “Speed of the Sound of Loneliness,” which seems apropos for an article on the profound impact of loneliness on the health of aging parents. Here’s the first punch line:…

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Reframing the Retirement Conversation

What if they held a retirement planning meeting for financial advisors themselves and no one showed up? Sound odd? It was, but that’s what happened. We set up a meeting for a group of financial advisors to discuss their own…

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