Unlocking the communication code

Three Complimentary PDF Booklets by David Solie

These three booklets have proven useful to professionals and laypeople alike.  Together, they offer a preview of the unique challenges of caring for aging parents, insights into the unspoken but all consuming psychological agenda of the last phase of life…

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Updated Website Announcement

New Look I updated my website to give it a clean, uncluttered appearance. I also redesigned it functionality. You will notice right away that the goal is to help viewers quickly locate key blog posts. The same is true for…

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Unlocking the Communication Code of Seniors

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place—-George Bernard Shaw Despite the unprecedented opportunity afforded advisors by an aging population, many find themselves unprepared to successfully communicate with seniors. Instead, they wind up frustrated…

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Dearest Son, Dearest Daughter…

I wrote How To Say It To Seniors for adult children of aging parents as well as professionals who work with older adults. In retrospect, that was short sighted. What I failed to appreciate was that older adults were deeply…

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Shutting Down The Planning Conversation

“Despite good intentions, outdated assumptions about older clients may lead advisors to inadvertently send out the wrong message–and it is this poor signaling, not the eccentricities of aging, that proves to be a primary cause of communication setbacks. The good…

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Caregiver Support Lessons…

Last fall, I started a caregiver’s support group. The goal was to offer a non-judgmental setting for adult children to share their stories. While being the facilitator, my real job was arranging chairs and making sure everyone had a turn…

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