Caregiver Support

Middle Age + Caregiving: Three Mind Maps

Middle age is daunting for everyone, especially caregivers.  There are so many moving and complicated parts that can quickly overwhelm the best intentions or the most efficient management skills.  One of the biggest mistakes I see middle age caregivers make…

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For Exhausted Caregivers…

This wonderful poem by John O’Donohue speaks to the world of caregivers who can quickly lose their mooring and are looking for language, strategies and rituals to help them recover from these unavoidable forays into in “empty time.” For One…

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Is the doctor a “good fit” for an aging parent?

Navigating the healthcare system involves dealing with a wide range of physicians and support personnel. Not all physician partnerships are successful. Issues like difficulty reaching the doctor, hurried office visits, confusing medical jargon, limited explanations, and inefficient billing support can…

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Read The Dilemma Card Once A Week…

You can’t manage dilemmas with problem solving strategies `Dilemmas show up and have no intention of leaving Key blog posts about dilemmas: The Unavoidable Dilemmas of the Last Phase of Life The Rise of Dilemmas Problems Versus Dilemmas of Aging…

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New PDF Booklet: Conversations Near The End

“We wish it didn’t come to this, but it does.  Someone you care about is at the end of their life.  No one knows exactly when but everyone is clear about what’s happening.  Now comes the hard part, the conversations…

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